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Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both (STOMP) Positive and proactive care: reducing the need for restrictive interventions, Department of Health (2014) Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings NICE guideline [NG10]Published:28 May 2015 Use of Reasonable Force in Schools (2013) Working Together To safeguard Children (2018) Document statusThis document is controlled electronically and shall be deemed an uncontrolled documented if printed. The document can only be classed as Live on the date of print. Please refer to PHF Connect for the most up to date version.  Equality Impact Assessment This document forms part of s commitment to create a positive culture of respect for all staff and service users. The intention is to identify, remove or minimise discriminatory practice in relation to the protected characteristics (race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, age, religious or other belief, marriage and civil partnership, gender reassignment and pregnancy and maternity), as well as to promote positive practice and value the diversity of all individuals and communities. Risk assessments are undertaken for staff who require additional support or modified procedures due to: Ill health/ chronic medical conditions Pregnancy Factors associated with aging Return to work after an extended period of ill health If concerns are raised that require further support a referral to Occupational Health services is made. As part of its development this document and its impact on equality has been analysed and no detriment identified. Roles & Responsibilities RoleResponsibility Chief Executive Overall responsibility to ensure this policy conforms to current guidelines and best practice. Ensuring resources and infrastructure are available to allow its implementation. To achieve a safe working environment which includes the safe and effective management of behaviours of concern, correct documentation and a commitment to a culture of restraint reduction.The Executive TeamThe executive team is responsible for the approval and ratification process, monitoring and review of this policy. Head of Service/Head of department Ensure effective implementation of this policy within their department in conjunction with an accredited NAPPI trainer to assist with task-based responsibilities. Ensure a current list of all policies is available to all staff and a mechanism is in place for circulation and monitoring access. Monitor dates of policy reviews and notify accountable person of need to review policy.Health and Safety ManagerThey are responsible in maintaining a robust dynamic risk assessment process and liaising with heads of service to provide suitable equipment and resources to enable safe and effective management of behaviour of concern They ensure that this policy is kept up to date in accordance with current health and safety legislation and guidance and ensure this policy is adhered to whilst completing H&S audits/ inspections. They provide support to heads of service and managers in the deployment of this policy. Review accident, incident and near misses resulting from behaviour of concern to identify any additional suitable controls.Training Development OfficerSupport Line mangers to develop training needs analysis and develop individual training plan for staff identified as requiring training. Arrange and evaluate training and development to enable staff to safely manage behaviours of concern, promote a culture of restraint reduction and implement a system of Positive Behaviour Support across all settings.Head of QualityProvide framework for audit of positive behaviour policy and compliance. Provide audit report to Board. Monitor effectiveness of this policy with senior management team. Raise awareness of non-compliance with Head of Service. Ensure policy is signed off and uploaded to PHF Connect NAPPI Coordinator Accountable for own conduct and practice according to the personal code of professional practice and standards required by NAPPI UK. Ensure NAPPI trainer awareness of this policy. Ensure NAPPI Trainer compliance. Support and teach the principles of this policy with all staff, carers, volunteers, and parents. Coordinate support and mentoring within a peer network for NAPPI trainers. NAPPI Trainer Accountable for own conduct and practice according to personal code of professional practice and NAPP UK standards. Ensure staff compliance. Support and teach the principles of this policy with all staff, carers, volunteers, and parents. Deliver NAPPI training in line with standards set by NAPPI UK.Head of Technology Ensure the policy is uploaded onto the website and is available for all staff to accessAll staffCompliance with this policy and practice within own scope of practice and competence. Ensure all records are clear and unambiguous. Escalate concerns to line manager. Parents/ CarersEnsure staff have all relevant information regarding child/young person or adults behaviours of concern and intervention strategies to enable positive behaviour support.  CONTENTS Introduction Purpose Scope Definitions Roles & Responsibilities Procedure All behaviour happens for a reason Behaviour and Communication Learners can learn alternative behaviours The structure we put in place Learners who require further support Physical Intervention and Restraint Withdrawal and Seclusion Touch Fixed Term Exclusion Child on Child Abuse Bullying (including Cyber-bullying) Recording and reporting incidents Training and Development Competency assessment Monitoring and Review 1. Introduction 1.1Nothing is more important than childrens welfare. Children who need help and protection deserve high quality and effective support as soon as a need is identified. (HM Government 2018) Residents, service users, pupils and young people within Northern Counties School have significant and complex needs and may at times present with behaviours of concern, previously referred to as challenging behaviour. Behaviour can be described as challenging when it is of such intensity, frequency, or duration as to threaten the quality of life and/or the physical safety of the individual or others and it is likely to lead to responses that are restrictive, aversive or result in exclusion. Royal College of Psychiatrists, British Psychological Society, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, (2007) Northern Counties School strives to work in collaboration with all learners to maximise Quality of Life by facilitating a lifestyle that promotes activity, develops community participation and empowers their presence, It is the duty of all PHF staff to maintain high levels of care at all times whilst ensuring the actions of others do not pose a risk to themselves or those around them. Further, all learners are entitled to live, learn and work in a safe, secure, coercion free and relaxed environment without fear of the actions of others. The school provides an environment that is physically safe, adapted to meet individual needs and conducive to the amelioration of behaviours of concern. The environment the individual uses is designed to be consistent and predictable, promote active participation, reflect the persons routines and enable choice, preferred activities and communication style. When an individual finds an environment challenging this is documented and plans produced to support the individual in these circumstances. 1.2 Within the Foundation we believe that: Learners want to behave well. Behaviours of concern always happen for a reason and may be the persons only way to communicate an unmet need we must ensure that all learners are supported to communicate their needs safely and appropriately. With the right support at the right time, learners can learn alternative behaviours to reduce the likelihood of behaviour of concern Mistakes are part of the learning process and we recognise that all of our learners are at different stages of the developmental process. All of our learners have special educational needs which may impact on how they learn to behave. All staff can learn strategies to support learners to improve their behaviour. Every learner deserves to be understood and supported as an individual A consistent, positive and proactive system of supporting behaviour is essential. Northern Counties School adopts the Positive Behaviour Support Framework and uses Non-Abusive, Psychological and Physical Intervention (NAPPI) techniques in which all staff working with learners who present with behaviours of concern are trained to an appropriate level. Refer to the Positive Behaviour Support Policy for details around the Positive Behaviour Support framework and ethos and its application. 2. Purpose This policy supports the school in its Duty of Care to: ensure we work together (internally and externally) to provide support to ensure all our learners have a good quality of life. prevent injury to learners or damage to their property. prevent injury or damage to staff or premises/property provide information and guidance for staff, parents/families, governors, Trustees and other stakeholders on how we keep learners safe. provide a framework for supporting learners within our collective beliefs around human behaviour. provide an inclusive model for our understanding of behavioural needs. underpin our beliefs with evidence-based practice and current research. embrace and embed a culture of restraint reduction through the use of strategies designed to promote minimum impact and trauma informed care. 3. Scope 3.1 This policy applies to employees, bank/agency staff, and parents/carers involved in Positive Behaviour Support within the schools services. 3.2 The scope of this policy does not include crisis interventions delivered by external agencies, e.g. the police service. 3.3 Staff must only undertake aspects of Restrictive Practice Interventions in which training has been received and competency requirements reached. 4. Definitions: BehaviourThe way in which someone acts or conducts themselves, especially towards others. Behaviour of concern Conduct or actions which are demanding, provocative, testing and not recognised as the norm which may cause harm, injury, or distress. Behaviour can be described as concerning when it is of such intensity, frequency or duration as to threaten the quality of life and/or the physical safety of the individual or others and is likely to lead to responses that are restrictive, aversive or result in exclusionSanctionsActions which involve a penalty or removal of a privilege, aimed at encouraging more acceptable behaviour.ReparationsActions which repair damage or ease distress caused by challenging behaviour.Autonomous withdrawalWhen an individual actively chooses to move to a quiet space in order to self calm.Imposed withdrawalSupervised removal of an individual against their will to a place of safety until they can compose themselves and safety is regained. They may leave at any time.SeclusionSupervised confinement and isolation of a person away from others, in an area from which they are prevented from leaving, where it is of immediate necessity for the containment of severely disturbed behaviour which poses risk of harm to others.Physical Restraint RPI Any direct physical contact where the intention of the person intervening is to prevent, restrict or subdue movement of the body, or part of the body of another person, (DofH, 2014) Restrictive Practice InterventionClinical holdingClinical holding is defined by the Mental Capacity Act as the use of restrictive physical interventions that enable staff to effectively assess or deliver clinical care and treatment to individuals who are unable to comply.Mechanical RestraintThe use of a device such as a belt or cuff to prevent, restrict or subdue movement of a persons body or part of their body for the primary purpose of behaviour control e.g. seat belt like devices fitted to chairs (CQC,2015b)Psychological Restraint Any action or practice undertaken, which is inconsistent with the wishes of the person e.g. depriving lifestyle choices by telling them what time to get up/ go to bed.Technological RestraintThe use of equipment to alert staff that the person is trying to leave or to monitor their movement e.g. pressure pads.Chemical Restraint The use of medication to calm or lightly sedate an individual to reduce the risk of harm to self or others and to reduce agitation and aggression(DofH,2015)Crisis InterventionThe threat of lethal behaviour defined as a person threatening to take their own life or others. (NAPPI UK)NAPPI Non-Abusive Psychological and Physical Interventions NAPPI UK ltd is an independent training company approved to deliver Restraint Reduction Network certificated training which delivers a modular approach to training mapped to the Positive Behaviour Support Framework. 5. Roles and Responsibilities: 5.1 In addition to the duties required within individual job descriptions: Staff will ensure that they have read and understood this policy and the associated Positive Behaviour Support policy. Staff must be responsible for seeking help, clarification, and support for themselves if needed. All staff have a duty of care to all learners. If an incident is occurring they must offer support and intervention as needed and appropriate, regardless of whether they are currently part of that persons class team. c. Wherever possible staff will only intervene to enact a Restrictive Practice Intervention (RPI) when they have received an appropriate level of NAPPI Training. In an emergency situation (and only to prevent significant harm to the service user) staff may complete a dynamic Risk Assessment and intervene at the direction of a NAPPI trained member of staff. Any response must still be reasonable, proportionate and use minimum impact to support the decision to intervene. This must be immediately brought to the attention of a Senior Leader and immediate steps taken to redress training needs. Incidents will be continually reviewed and monitored; if these appear to be increasing or excessive the leadership team must challenge staff to provide explanations acting in accordance with a culture of restraint reduction. 6. Procedures: Procedures are based on our beliefs about behaviour. 6.1 All behaviour happens for a reason: We believe that learners are happy and behave well when good behaviour is recognised by staff and their peers and are able to behave well when their needs are well met within the school, at home and in the community. 6.2 Behaviour and Communication: How learners behave gives us important information about how they are feeling. Supporting learners to communicate is an essential part of helping them to behave appropriately. They can be supported to develop alternate ways of expressing themselves that may achieve the same purpose, in a more appropriate and safe manner. Learners with profound and complex needs will need a personalised approach to behaviour management and consideration must be given to sensory needs, pain thresholds and levels of stimulation and engagement. 6.3 Learners can learn alternative behaviours Our children young people, service users and residents can find learning difficult. Learning new behaviour is a task, just like learning to read or write. As adults, we must consider the learning styles and needs of our clients and we must have realistic expectations about the speed of progress they will have when learning to adapt or develop new behaviours. Our clients learn in small, incremental steps over long periods of time, and this learning is not automatically generalised to different settings or situations. Support can be given to teach people alternative actions which meet the same function, where necessary. Mistakes are part of the learning process: Mistakes are not judged but we support our people to get things right. Learnersare encouraged to give it a go, with reassurance and support that things may not go right first time and that they can try again. They are supported to reflect on their mistakes, as appropriate, and are an active participant in the learning process. 6.4 The structure we put in place The things we do to support our learners to manage their own behaviour successfully are key to a positive ethos and environment. Rules supporting positive behaviour and should be: Few in number, Agreed with learners as far as possible. Communicated in an appropriate way at a level the person can understand e.g. through visual cues, sign, symbol etc. Positive things we are going to do. Regularly referred to by everyone. Appropriate to the setting, activity, and level of the adults. children and young people involved. Routines can also offer support. They should be: Explicitly taught in all situations. Consistent and predictable Made visually clear The language we use is part of helping people to take responsibility for their behaviour. It can help individuals to choose the right thing to do and, if appropriate, staff explain the consequences of their actions. Descriptive praise gives positive feedback, increases self-esteem and supports behaviour for learning. When discussing behaviour, consequences are always linked to choices. Descriptive praise is used when people are seen to make a good choice. Staff should be vigilant and never miss an opportunity for this to happen. Examples include, I liked the way you lined up as soon as I asked, Thank you for tidying your room when I asked. Positive and consistent communication will increase peoples sense of responsibility and remove the struggle for power. Rewards and Consequences/ Sanctions: Rewards must be able to be delivered and focus on positive choices and the behaviours we wish to encourage. They may include: Descriptive and specific praise. Symbolic rewards, e.g. stars, stickers. Communication with others to inform them of the positive behaviour or achievement, e.g. phone calls home Special responsibilities or privileges In education settings: preferred activities which are beyond the scheduled classroom timetable, e.g. use of the sensory room, computer time, outdoor play outside of usual break times. Sanctions: the term sanctions refers to the consequences of a behaviour or action, or the decision the person has made. The process of considering the consequences of their decision is very useful; however, the detail and focus of the consequences or sanctions will vary dependent on the persons needs and the situation. As part of a debrief discussion with a individual it may be appropriate to consider the consequences of their decisions on others around them and on their day. This would always take place as part of a problem-solving discussion, to focus on making changes and supporting the individual to make more positive decisions in the future. In exceptional circumstances it may be that more concrete consequences are required, for example a bullying situation, where a pupil has not engaged with the support repeatedly offered to them. Sanctions in this context may include: 1. Losing a preferred activity or privilege. 2. Additional activity or tasks for a specified period of time More formal sanctions are not appropriate when it is acknowledged that the person was in a highly distressed state. Sanctions must be delivered in a timely manner, as a consequence of the persons choices, and must not be harsh or removed from the behaviour we wish to decrease. The detail of the sanction must be communicated to the individual and staff team to ensure all involved understand, and the situation can be resolved quickly. As part of our reflective practise, staff should consider if anything could have been done differently to give different outcomes, and individuals should have the opportunity to be involved in this also, as appropriate. Reparations: We believe that adults, children and young people should be given the opportunity to repair relationships following a behavioural incident and that they want to do this. Punishment is not a concept that we feel is positive as it focuses the persons mind on the punishment rather than what led to the situation. This can lead to them feeling angry about the punishment rather than thinking about the effect of their behaviour on themselves and others. As such this is avoided wherever possible (as above) Where appropriate, we support children, young people, and adults to take responsibility for what they have done and repair it with the other people affected. We cannot make assumptions about what people are feeling. Unresolved difficulties can make them very anxious and lead to further behavioural or habitual behavioural problems. 6. 5 Learners who require further support:: Most learners will respond positively when staff work within the guidelines detailed above. However, some of our learners present with significant levels of behaviour of concern which are deeply embedded or present with factors such as mental health difficulties and require additional support. This is achieved by: Ensuring that the general principles of Positive Behaviour Support within the policy are always adhered to. Considering the behaviour of the person holistically, gathering information in a range of settings and analysing the behaviours demonstrated. Putting in place additional scaffolding and support which is tailored to the specific needs of each resident, service user, child, and adult informed by the assessment process above. Writing or reviewing a comprehensive Positive Behaviour Support Plan to ensure that all support and strategies are clearly documented, and staff know how to manage each situation as it arises. This includes collecting the persons views on what causes them to experience negative feelings (e.g. stress/ anxiety/ anger), what the person feels their successful strategies are, what support they would like from staff and possibly an explanation of the function of some of their behaviour (e.g. I do this when.). It is acknowledged that not all people will be able to communicate their feelings on this; however support will be provided to ensure they have the best opportunity to do so, at the level appropriate to their development and abilities. Working closely with parents/ carers to gather information and support them to implement strategies. Parents/ carers should be involved in writing Positive Behaviour Support Plans, and have opportunities to discuss strategies with key staff De-escalation techniques are clearly documented and updated as the first strategy to enact when an individual reacts to stress by exhibiting behaviours of concerned. Completion of individual risk assessments identifying control measures to ensure safety in all situations. When assessing risk staff consider: Size, age and understanding of the individual the specific hazards they face their particular vulnerabilities, learning disabilities, medical conditions, and impairments the relative risks of not intervening the individuals sought views and experiences and those of their family on de-escalation techniques to calm a situation the method of restraint appropriate to the circumstances the impact of the restraint on the future relationship with the individual Putting in place additional staff training where needed e.g. NAPPI Levels 2 and 3 or regarding strategies for working with pupils with specific diagnoses/ difficulties (e.g. Pathological Demand Avoidance or Attachment Disorder) Prompt involvement of external agencies such as Children and Young Peoples Services (CYPS) teams, mental health practitioners, and psychology and psychiatry teams, where appropriate. Involving medical services to ensure that there is no underlying illness or unresolved pain, where appropriate. Some people may require very specific and detailed planning. This could include a shortened school day, off-site education, additional one-to-one support or a period of home-based learning. When such significant adaptions are required these will be planned jointly with all agencies including parents and families, Local Authorities and external support teams. 6.6 Physical Intervention and Restraint: Foundation is committed to the practice of restraint reduction and all interventions are monitored and evaluated to ensure intervention is directly linked to evidence-based practice. The Human Rights Act 1998 is made up of a series of Articles, which define a right of freedom and list permitted exceptions. Article 3 the Right not to be subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is an absolute right where there is a duty to state and public authorities not to allow interventions that cause severe mental or physical harm or is grossly humiliating or undignified. The Mental Capacity Act allows restrictions and restraint to be used in a persons support, but only if they are in the best interests of a person who lacks capacity to make the decision themselves. Restrictions and restraint must be proportionate to the harm the care giver is seeking to prevent, and can include: requiring a person to be supervised when out in the community physically stopping a person from doing something which could cause them harm.(Section 93 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 allows the use of reasonable force to prevent or stop injury to, [or damage to the property of any person, including the pupil themselves] by a pupil.) removing items from a person which could cause them harm holding a person so that they can be given care, support or treatment bedrails, wheelchair straps, restraints in a vehicle, and splints DfE guidance in Use of Reasonable Force (and Section 93, Education and Inspections Act 2006) sets out the circumstances in which reasonable force may be used in schools: Reasonable force can be used to prevent pupils from hurting themselves or others, from damaging property, or from causing disorder. In a school, force is used for two main purposes to control pupils or to restrain them. The decision on whether or not to physically intervene is down to the professional judgement of the staff member concerned and should always depend on the individual circumstances. The following list is not exhaustive but provides some examples of situations where reasonable force can and cannot be used. Schools can use reasonable force to: remove disruptive children from the classroom where they have refused to follow an instruction to do so; prevent a pupil behaving in a way that disrupts a school event or a school trip or visit; prevent a pupil leaving the classroom where allowing the pupil to leave would risk their safety or lead to behaviour that disrupts the behaviour of others; prevent a pupil from attacking a member of staff or another pupil, or to stop a fight in the playground; and restrain a pupil at risk of harming themselves through physical outbursts. Schools cannot: use force as a punishment it is always unlawful to use force as a punishment. In the light of an individual presenting with significant behaviours of concern where the individual becomes destructive or dangerous to themselves or others and where failure to intervene would result in harm and constitute neglect, staff trained in Non-Abusive Psychological and Physical Intervention (NAPPI) strategies would intervene using NAPPI techniques approved by the Restraint Reduction Network as interventions of minimum impact for the shortest time frame possible. Physical Restraint is any direct physical contact where the intention of the person intervening is to prevent, restrict or subdue movement of the body, or part of the body of another person. (DofH, 2014) The Foundation knows that there are other forms of restraint other than physical restraint. These are detailed within the Foundations Restrictive Practice Policy. A thorough Individual Risk Assessment is undertaken for each individual and only techniques approved for use would be undertaken during a period of distress: except for crisis intervention. NAPPI UK defines crisis intervention as the threat of lethal behaviour which they define as a person threatening to take their own life or others. In these exceptional circumstances the police may be called, and they will use techniques and act in accordance to their own professional training. Foundation staff will alert the police to the risk of any health condition which could be exacerbated by restraint and continue to monitor the young persons physical and psychological wellbeing whilst in attendance In addition to the general power to use reasonable force described above, headteachers and authorised staff can use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances to conduct a search for the following prohibited items knives and weapons alcohol illegal drugs stolen items tobacco and cigarette papers fireworks pornographic images any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence, cause personal injury or damage to property. The NAPPI approach uses very specific methods of physical intervention which minimise the amount of contact and therefore reduces the risk of harm to the child, young person adult. See appendices for further information. The following rules apply: Physical intervention and restraint should rarely be used and only after all other de-escalation strategies and interventions have been exhausted or assessed as insufficient to meet the needs of the student. It must only be used by staff who have had the recognised level of NAPPI training and where this is up to date. Yearly refresher training is mandatory, and sessions will be in place each half term to ensure that all relevant staff receive updates as part of a rolling programme. Staff will be required to exercise professional judgement in response to unforeseen events or when trained staff may not be available. In this situation dynamic risk assessment will be implemented. Unless the situation is urgent, trained staff should be sought. If the situation is urgent any response must still be reasonable, proportionate and use minimum impact to support the decision to intervene. It should only be used if the adult, child, or young person is putting himself or others in danger and where failure to intervene would result in harm and constitute neglect. Any physical intervention should be as a last resort and should be proportionate, of minimum impact, reasonable and necessary. If used it must be logged as soon as possible (see below) and parents/ carers and families informed the same day. An individual Positive Behaviour Support Plan and individual risk assessment must be in place or, in the event of physical intervention needing to be used for the first time, written within the next two days of the incident. Positive Behaviour Support Plans must be regularly reviewed, updated and shared with all who need to know. They must be dated, and previous versions removed from circulation. Staff must complete a debrief interview and reflect on the incident once it is over to determine if anything could have been done to manage it differently and to plan for the future to improve quality of life for the child, young person or adult involved. Debriefs can be held among class teams or with support of Senior Leaders or PBS Team as appropriate. Amendments to the Positive Behaviour Support Plan should follow and the necessary staff teams informed of updates. Incidents involving adults, children and young people who access more than one of the Foundations services must be shared appropriately across all services. 6.7 Withdrawal and Seclusion: Withdrawal and seclusion is NEVER used as a treatment or disciplinary penalty. The Foundation recognises that there are times when an individual may seek or be required to isolate away from others to maintain personal safety or reduce significant risk of harm to others Autonomous withdrawal: If an individual actively chooses to move to a quiet space to self calm, staff will support and monitor their progress and take all steps to return to the usual environment as soon as possible. Imposed withdrawal: If an individual becomes destructive to property or dangerous to themselves or others, staff have a duty of care to protect the individual from harm. It may be necessary to remove the individual against their will to a place of safety until they are able to compose themselves and safety is regained. Interventions requiring minimum impact will be used and staff will take all steps to return to the usual environment as quickly as possible. Seclusion: If an individual is presenting with severely destructive or dangerous behaviour it may be necessary in exceptional circumstances to impose supervised containment and isolation away from others in an area from which the person is prevented from leaving, for the minimum time necessary. Staff will remain in close proximity and will visually monitor progress throughout. Staff will work with the individual to facilitate their emotional regulation and take all steps to return to the usual environment as quickly as possible. Following an incident where an individual presents with behaviour of concern, a familiar member of staff will sit with that person to try to help them understand what they were feeling and how staff could have helped them to avoid escalation to more serious behaviours of concern. A member of staff will contact the family to discuss the incident and following a staff debriefing session the incident will be reported using the CPOMS system to capture an accurate record to inform future learning and improve quality of life for the individual in the future. Staff will contact parents/ carers of individuals if they notice a pattern of concern or if agreed protocols and intervention strategies change. The school do not routinely use manual restraint for more than 10 minutes and seclusion may be necessary as an alternative to prolonged manual restraint (longer than 10 minutes). Staff will contact parents/ carers of individuals if they notice a pattern of concern or if agreed protocols and intervention strategies change. Seclusion protocols: In exceptional circumstances, an adult, child, or young person may be secluded in a safe space, from which they are prevented from leaving until they are able to be calm, to reduce the risk to themselves or others. There must always be two adults present, either inside the room if safe or outside the door with visibility if not. A senior member of staff must be notified immediately. Seclusion must be documented as part of the PBS Plan and agreed as a strategy by all involved. It must be regularly reviewed, and plans made as soon as possible to move on to other strategies as appropriate. All Incidences of seclusion must be logged, and parents/ carers notified the same day. 6.8 Touch: Corporal punishment is illegal and will never be used within the Foundation. Contingent touch may be used appropriately in the appropriate context e.g. a pat on the arm or shoulder for reassurance but staff must know how the individual is likely to react as some may misinterpret this. Holding (e.g. two person moving restrictive practice intervention.) may only be used as part of the NAPPI approach with skills gained at levels 2 and 3 by staff who are trained to this level and under the circumstances described in sections 6.9 and 6.10. Learners with complex sensory needs may require more direct physical touch and contact e.g. squeezing or deep pressure. This will be documented in sensory profiles and shared with individuals and their families/ carers as part of their therapeutic intervention strategies. Clinical holding. In extreme circumstances where an individuals health is at risk if they do not take their prescribed medication there may be a need to hold/restrain the individual while administering medication. Holding/restraining an individual MUST only be carried out on the instruction/request of a medical professional and with parent/carers agreement. Written (signed & dated) consent MUST be obtained and held within the individuals file (non-emergency situation ONLY) The individuals dedicated social worker MUST be kept informed. 6.9 Fixed Term Exclusions Exclusions are not the most effective way to support children and young people with SEND. We will always try to adapt and personalise our provision to ensure that all can access education. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to exclude a pupil for a fixed time, but this would always be considered very carefully. These circumstances may include: Incidents where the safety of the pupil or student or that of others is seriously compromised and the occurrence is frequent or increasing in frequency and intensity. Incidents of knife crime or use of other weapons. Incidents of a sexual nature or sexual violence. Incidents of significant damage to property. Decisions to exclude children or young people are made on an individual basis and will always be a reasonable, measured and considered response which will have an impact and be a learning opportunity for them. Exclusions may be managed internally, and the child or young person may be removed from class for a fixed period of time. If Foundation is not able to meet the needs of an individual child or young person, we will always work with families and local authorities to identify a suitable placement for a managed transition. 6.10 Child on Child Abuse Children can abuse other children. This is now referred to as child on child abuse and can take many forms. It can happen both inside and outside of school. There may also be reports where the children concerned attend two or more different schools. Child on child abuse will not be tolerated. All staff will take a zero tolerance approach to any abusive behaviours and will stop and challenge inappropriate behaviours between children, many of which may be sexual in nature. We recognise that even if there are no reported cases of child on child abuse that such abuse may still be taking place and all staff should be vigilant. A difficult feature of child on child abuse is that the perpetrators could be victims themselves and possibly are being abused by other family members, other adults and children. In cases where child on child abuse is identified we will follow our procedures for dealing with concerns, recognising that both the victim and perpetrator will require support. The school takes the following steps to minimise the risk of child on child abuse: Promoting an open and honest environment where children feel safe and confident to share their concerns and worries Using the Relationship, Sex and Health Education and PSHE to educate and reinforce our messages through stories, role play, focused activities etc. Ensuring school is well supervised, especially in areas where children may be vulnerable Ensures staff are aware of the indicators and signs of child on child abuse and how to identify them Addresses inappropriate behaviour (even if it appears to be relatively minor) Has clear robust policies on dealing with key issues of behaviour such as cyber bullying Ensures staff and children are aware of the policies. Ensures robust supervision and be aware of potential risky areas in the school Increases supervision during key times Takes steps to prevent isolation Separates children if needed Where risk is identified, an individual child risk assessment is put in place The following systems are in place to enable children to confidently report any abuse: All children know who they can report to in school, including clear child-friendly signage Assemblies and class activities signposting children to key actions / people Enrichment activities Posters around school Each alleged incident will be recorded, investigated and dealt with on an individual basis based on the following principles: All information will be recorded in writing using the agreed procedures (CPOMS) All children involved (victim and alleged perpetrator) in school will be spoken to separately by the DSL Where the incident also involves a child at a different establishment the DSL will ensure effective liaison and information sharing All children involved (victim and alleged perpetrator) will be appropriately supported throughout the process The DSL will balance the childs wishes against their duty to protect the child and other children The school will work with our local safeguarding partners where appropriate The DSL may need to go against the victims wishes and make a referral to childrens social care or the police. This will be handled sensitively, the reasons explained to the victim and appropriate support made available Parents will be informed of the incident and how their child will be dealt with and supported (unless this would put a child at greater risk) Victims, perpetrators and any other children affected by child on child abuse will be supported in the following ways: Support will be tailored on a case-by-case basis All children involved will be supported by an allocated member of staff The needs and wishes of the victim will be taken into account, along with protecting the child. Wherever possible, the victim and witnesses will be able to continue their normal routine. The victim will never be made to feel they are the problem for making a report or made to feel ashamed for making a report All reasonable steps will be taken to protect the anonymity of any children involved in any report of sexual violence or sexual harassment Adequate measures will be put in place to protect the children involved and keep them safe A needs and risk assessment will be made and a safety plan put in place when required Early help assessment, childrens social care and other agencies will support where appropriate We recognise that both boys and girls experience child on child abuse but can do so in different ways. We recognise that child on child abuse can manifest itself in many ways such as: Child Sexual Exploitation / Child Criminal Exploitation Bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying) Physical abuse Radicalisation Abuse in intimate friendships / relationships Sexual violence and sexual harassment Gang associated and serious violence Initiation / hazing type violence and rituals Consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi-nude images and /or videos Causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party Upskirting (which is a criminal offence) Some of the reasons why children abuse other children: The child may have been emotionally, physically, or sexually abused themselves The child may have witnessed physical or emotional abuse The child may have viewed sexually explicit / violent movies, video games or other materials The child may have just acted impulsively without meaning to harm anyone Relationship abuse is unacceptable behaviour between any two people. For behaviour around sharing of nude and semi-nude images and/or videos, please see the safeguarding policy for more information. When an incident involving nudes and semi-nudes comes to the attention of any member of staff: The incident should be referred to theDSL(or deputy) as soon as possible. TheDSL will hold an initial review meeting with appropriate staff. This may include the staff member(s) who heard the disclosure and the safeguarding or leadership team who deal with safeguarding concerns. There will be subsequent interviews with the children involved (if appropriate). Parents and carers will be informed at an early stage and involved in the process in order to best support the child unless there is good reason to believe that involving them would put the child at risk of harm. A referral will be made to childrens social care and/or the police immediately if there is a concern that a child has been harmed or is at risk of immediate harm at any point in the process. A disclosure may not be a single event and the child may share further information at a later stage. Any direct disclosure by a child should be taken seriously. A child who discloses they are the subject of an incident of sharing nudes and semi-nudes is likely to be embarrassed and worried about the consequences. It is likely that disclosure in school is a last resort and they may have already tried to resolve the issue themselves. 6.11 Bullying (including cyber bullying) (See Education Services Anti-bullying Policy) Bullying can happen to anyone. This policy covers all types of bullying including: Bullying related to race, religion or culture. Bullying related to SEND (Special Educational Needs or Disability). Bullying related to appearance or physical/mental health conditions. Bullying related to sexual orientation (homophobic bullying). Bullying of young carers, pupil in care or otherwise related to home circumstances. Sexist, sexual and transphobic bullying. Bullying via technology cyberbullying Staff in our school take all forms of bullying seriously and intervene to prevent incidents from taking place. They report incidents through CPOMS, and these logs are monitored by the schools Safeguarding Team. If staff witness an act of bullying, they do all they can to support the pupil who is being bullied. If a pupil is being bullied over a period of time, then a member of the Senior Leadership Team informs the pupils parents and carers. Staff actively support anti-bullying strategies by teaching pupils directly about safeguarding issues and cyber-bullying. Information is regularly sent home to parents and carers to further develop parental awareness of safeguarding issues on the internet and mobile devices. We keep a record of any bullying incidents on CPOMS. If, as members of staff, we become aware of any bullying / targeting taking place between members of a class, we deal with the issue immediately. This may involve counselling and support for the victim of the bullying / targeting, and support for the pupil who has carried out the bullying. Where appropriate, we spend time talking to the pupil who has bullied / targeted others and may use Think sheets to help them to think through their actions: We explain why the action of the pupil was wrong where this is appropriate and review the pupils positive behaviour support plans in order to support the pupil to change their behaviour in future. If a pupil is repeatedly involved in bullying / targeting other pupils, we inform the Deputy Headteacher/Senior Leadership Team or Headteacher. We may invite the pupils parents and carers into the school to discuss the situation. Where appropriate, the Headteacher / Principal may contact external support agencies such as Childrens Social Care, or childrens mental health services. Staff members routinely attend positive behaviour support training: this gives them the skills to know how to promote positive behaviours and how to intervene during behaviours of concern. Staff members aim to support all pupil in their class and to establish a climate of trust and respect for all. By praising, rewarding and celebrating the success of all pupils when they are kind or a good friend for example, we aim to prevent incidents of bullying / targeting. 6.12 Reporting and Recording Incidents: Incidents of behaviour of concern, their impact and strategies for minimising future risk are recorded as soon as possible after the incident has occurred. Records must include antecedents to the incident, the behaviour displayed by the individual (in line with the Lalemand scale), the intervention used and the individuals response to the intervention. Any injury to individual, their peers, staff or property must also be included. If a physical intervention was required, staff and the individual must be debriefed. Parents/ carers must be informed of any physical intervention necessary on the day this occurs. The individuals Positive Behaviour Support Plan will be amended if required. A senior leader will then complete an audit of all incidents to identify trends where necessary. Training in recording and reporting incidents is part of the NAPPI approach. It is often the case that pupils, when attending NCS for the first time may often have habitually high levels of anxiety and, as a consequence, frequent dysregulated behaviour. To help ameliorate this, the school places an extremely strong emphasis on a highly structured environment and bespoke curriculum to provide support, consistency and feelings of achievement and purpose from the very outset in pupils lives within the Foundation. Once pupils have responded positively to the highly structured environment and anxiety levels are reduced, the schools focus is on moving from a behaviour management approach to a more proactive role of behaviour modification, where the pupil begins to take control and responsibility for their own actions. This involves adapting the highly structured environment, increased decision making and the setting of personal targets with close staff support. All incidents are recorded on the Child Protection Online Monitoring System (CPOMS) and logged appropriately. Senior Managers have access to this system through a secure log-in procedure and incidents are reviewed weekly at the SLT meeting. Following an incident there is a staff debrief to ensure that reflection about what has happened, how it has been managed and what could have been done differently leads into improvements and developments to the Positive Behaviour Plan. Members of the senior management team may be present depending on the severity of the incident. The debrief ensures that staff are supported physically and emotionally and have the necessary training and updates to fulfil their role effectively. Incidents of behaviour of concern are discussed regularly with the relevant member of the schools governing body. Paperwork specific to each NAPPI recording system is also completed when an incident requiring implementation of NAPPI Level 2 or 3 skills has occurred. Where a behavioural incident results in injury to a member of staff or another adult, child or young person the accident incident and near miss reporting policy must also be followed. 7. Training & Development Training needs will be supported by the Foundations Organisational Development team. Line managers have a responsibility to identify mandatory and statutory training needs in relation to individual job roles and action. This may be done through annual appraisal or supervision. Training will be given during induction period for any new staff member working with services users who present with behaviour of concern. Continued training in the skills required and level of competence will be provided as identified by the Foundation and service Training Needs Analysis to meet RRN standards. Staff who are to intervene using a Restrictive Practice Intervention MUST have completed an externally approved NAPPI level 2 or 3 certificate and or an RRN accredited L2/ RPI training course. 8. Competency Assessment Competency assessment MUST be completed by a certified NAPPI trainer and will require staff to demonstrate knowledge and observed competency for all elements of the course at level 1, 2 or 3. These courses are externally validated by NAPPI UK to meet RRN standards. ONLY upon satisfaction completion of the competency assessment will a staff member be deemed competent to intervene with self-protection or Restrictive Practice Intervention skills. ALL staff, including those who are not directly concerned with behaviour of concern MUST complete awareness training on Positive Behaviour Support. 9. Monitoring & Review Overall responsibility for the operation of the policy and procedure lies with the Headteacher. The effectiveness of the policy and procedure will be formally reviewed and monitored as a minimum on a 12 monthly basis, to ensure that it continues to meet the requirements of the school, and that it reflects best practice and statutory legislation as appropriate.  Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings NICE guideline [NG10]Published: 28 May 2015     Local Behaviour Policy NCSIssue date: January 2023 Version No: 1Status: ApprovedReview date: January 2024 Page  PAGE 39 of  NUMPAGES 39  #1239EFG­‰tcN9N(hnhvCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0mH sH (hnhnCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0mH sH  hnhvCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0(hnhFCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0mH sH "hnCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0mH sH "hFCJ0OJQJ^JaJ0mH sH (hnh.j/CJ0OJQJ^JaJ0mH sH "h@[CJ0OJQJ^JaJ0mH sH ha0h|CJ8aJ8 hn xh7}"$jhn xh_UmHnHtH u hn xh|23FGHefghijklmno $^a$gd>gdv$a$gd| $^a$gd|^gd|GHLdefghijklmnov}įrdddVE4E hn xh'jvCJOJQJ^JaJ hn xh>CJOJQJ^JaJhn xh|5OJQJ^Jhn xh^j5OJQJ^Jhn xhI5OJQJ^JhI5OJQJ^J#hnh^j5CJ(OJQJ^JaJ(#hnh|5CJ(OJQJ^JaJ((hnhvCJ(OJQJ^JaJ(mH sH "hRCJ(OJQJ^JaJ(mH sH (hnhnCJ(OJQJ^JaJ(mH sH (hnhnCJ8OJQJ^JaJ8mH sH    & @ ͼۡۍqbbbP#hIhR5CJOJQJ^JaJhR5CJOJQJ^JaJh ]CJOJQJ^JaJhRCJOJQJ^JaJ&hIhE5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hIh'jv5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hn xha hIhaCJOJQJ^JaJhE0fCJOJQJ^JaJ&hIha5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hn xhaCJOJQJ^JaJLBBB (($IfkdH$$Ifl0 S%F69  t @0o'644 lB` aPp@yt sK $(($Ifa$$a$gd# G== (($Ifkd#$$Ifl90 S%F69  t @0o'644 lB` aPp@yt sK $(($Ifa$ (($Ifgdg  A B C U u WMM (($Ifkd$$Ifly0 S%69  t @0o'644 l` aPp@yt sK $(($Ifa$@ A B C U \ u ïzs_QC2 hIh7)CJOJQJ^JaJhE0fCJOJQJ^JaJhaCJOJQJ^JaJ&hIha5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hn xh/ hIh@CJOJQJ^JaJhRCJOJPJQJ^JaJ&hIhg5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hIh*5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hIh/ 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hn xha hIhaCJOJQJ^JaJ hIhC(JCJOJQJ^JaJ dWWW $(($Ifa$kdӟ$$Ifly0 S%69  t @0o'644 l` aPp@yt sK aQD $(($Ifa$$(($Ifa$gd'jvkd$$Ifla0 S%F69  t @0o'644 lB` aPp@yt sK    1 2 3 ? 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